
today I learned: the american gothic painting by grant wood is not a painting of a husband and wife, but rather, father and daughter. also, the man who designed saddam hussein’s bunker was the grandson of the woman who designed hitler’s. next, sign language users have “accents”, and can often tell where another sign language user comes from because of this, just like spoken language. finally, a massachusetts man who was wrongly imprisoned for 18 years for murder was finally freed after his high-school drop-out sister went to law school to prove his innocence. 6 months after his release, he died in a freak accident :(. we’re-all-still-alive bonus: a large group of people thought the world was ending in 1806 because someone wrote “christ is coming” on eggs and stuffed them back into the hen. genius.

2 thoughts on “22/12/12

  1. Matt Chamois says:

    I feel like there was a movie made about the guy in jail, yet, feel too lazy to find out right about now.

  2. Matt Chamois says:

    There is, “Conviction”. Not sure if it is about this particular story or just based on the story, but it does exist.

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